Short Story of the Month

Don‘t Underestimate an Education

The face of the great mage of Shothoggow turned red with anger.
“You say that I’m a smug and vain idiot? After I did all this?”
A few moments ago, he wiped out half of the nearby population; the only thing with him was a snake slithering on the ground.

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Being of the Month


Of the descendants of the Norse god Loki, Jormungand is definitely the largest – namely in size. In the form of a great serpent, he encircles the castle of Midgard, created from the eyebrows of the giant Ymir. After Midgard, Jormungand is also called the Midgard Serpent, or Midgard for short. That's to keep the names straight.

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Other Stuff

Sherlockiana: Police Officers

Even though Holmes became the patron of all literary detectives that came after him, he didn't consider himself as one. He thought of himself as a higher form of a sleuth.

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Quote of the Month

Cagliostro may have been only a charlatan, but as soon as opinion had made of him "the divine Cagliostro," he was expected to work miracles; and they happened.

— Eliphas Levi. The Key of the Mysteries

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How to Properly Feed a Demon

How to Properly Feed a Demon

Twenty-five short short stories for short short breaks. Starring aliens and people, gods as well as demons.


Where to Buy
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"Things just happen. What the hell."
* Terry Pratchett. Hogfather


Welcome to my world. For the longest time I couldn’t think of right name for this place, so I left it without one. Amongst things you can find here are attempts of science fiction and fantasy stories, my collection of gods, bogeymen and monsters and also articles about things that had me interested, be it for a while or for years. (There is more of this, sadly not in English but in Czech, on



Other stuff

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Picture of the Month